Dr. Andrew Weil, a holistic MD, recently identified some foods that may increase the risk of breast cancer.
Here is his advice:
Avoid too much fat -- daily fat content should be below 25% of daily calories consumed
Avoid animal fats, polyunsaturated fats (including many vegetable oils), and hydrogenated oils (margarines and vegetable shortenings)
Avoid alcohol -- He says that "even in modest amounts, alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer".
Avoid conventionally raised meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. These have hormones so he recommends hormone-free versions.
Avoid foods high on the glycemic index
An article on medheadlines.com reported that a study done on 62,000 post menopausal concluded that foods high on the glycemic index (also known as rapidly digesting simple carbohydrates like white flour and sugar) may increase the risk of breast cancer in women who are already overweight, particularly those who carry their weight in the waistline.(This was reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.)