With the amount of work we ask our livers to do, there are some easy ways to help it do its job, accoring to a recent article.
5 Ways to Boost your Liver
1)Keep your diet high in fruits and vegetables and fiber-rich foods.
2)Eliminate processed foods, artificial food additives, colors, and preservatives from your diet to give your liver a break as it must filter food addivites.
3)Eat plenty of fresh carrots and beets, both of which are powerful liver cleansing and rebuilding foods. In addition, eat plenty of green foods. The chlorophyll, which gives plants their green color, helps cleanse the liver.
4)Try to eat two heaping tablespoons of ground flaxseeds. They bind to hormone receptor sites, preventing excess hormones including synthetic xenoestrogens from plastics and other chemicals, from floating around your bloodstream.
5) Herbs that help strengthen the liver include: milk thistle, dandelion root, globe artichoke, turmeric, slippery elm, greater celandine, balmony, barberry, black root, blue flag, boldo, fringetree bark, vervain, and wahoo.
To read the full list click here.