Friday, February 10, 2012

Foods That Fight Illness

Just the other day I was having dinner with a friend who teaches pre-school and she asked me which foods she should be eating to boost her immune system as the kids always seem to have some ailments.

Here is Prevention's list of the 9 Top Foods to Fight Illness

1) Yogurt ( source of probiotics)
2) Oats and Barley ( beta-glucan has antioxidant properties)
3) Garlic (allicin fights infection)
4) Fish (omega-3 fats)
5) Chicken Soup (amino acid cysteine)
6) Tea ( Black tea best source of anti-oxidants)
7) Beef ( good Zinc source)
8) Sweet Potatoes ( vitamin A as beta-carotene)
9) Mushrooms (Shiitake, maitake, and reishi)