Saturday, February 19, 2011

Results Are In -- Zinc Helps Relieve Colds

Even though every friend you have has already told you that if you take zinc it will lessen the duration and effects of the cold, it's still nice to see studies that prove it.

In Dr. Sanjay Gupta's blog he reports that when researches went through all of the studies on zinc they concluded that " healthy adults and children who took zinc syrup, lozenges, or tablets within 24 hours of their first cough or sniffle experienced shorter and less severe colds than the participants who took a zinc-free placebo. Taking zinc reduced the odds that a person would still be experiencing symptoms at the seven-day mark by more than half."

Where do you find zinc? There are lozenges and syrups or you can find it foods -- nuts, seeds, meats, fruits and vegetables.