Friday, June 19, 2009

Again With the Fish

You would think that Omega-3 is the wonder food of the century for as much as you hear about its health benefits. Well it's in the news again and this time those healthy fats found in Omega-e fatty acids can reduce the risk of developing a retina-destroying condition known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). (Actually this has been known for awhile but there are even more studies across the globe that confirm this.)

As reported in an article on CNN, a study done by the University of Sydney found people who ate a serving of fish every week were 3% less likely to develop early AMD than those who did not. And if you added a couple of servings of nuts each week the risk was by reduced by 35%.

If you don't know which fish to eat, Johanna Seddon, M.D., of the New England Eye Center and Tufts University School of Medicine recommends salmon, sardines and mackerel.

Green leafy vegetables should be included as well says Seddon but realizing that some people aren't able to get enough of these foods she suggested taking supplements containing fish oil or lutein.