Monday, July 07, 2008

Recipe for Stress Reduction

Find a lake, preferably in the Laurentian mountains in Quebec and lie there. I did just that for a few days and I think my blood pressure has permanently been lowered.

Or do what a friend of mine did and stay home for a week and focus on things outside of work. Her renewed outlook on life made her realize how lucky she was in both her worklife and homelife and she is much happier.

Vacations, no matter where they are essential to stress reduction and consequently good health.

In the U.S. we seem to neglect this benefit. While the U.S. doesn't have vacation minimum mandated by law, according to an article by Braun Consulting , many European countries get 5 weeks of vacation. In the European Union employees get four weeks of paid vacation by law. In Canada and Japan laws mandate a minimum of two weeks vacation. with a minimum of two weeks mandated by law.