Small Exercise Goals Work
Figuring that I have one last shot this Fall to take those few extra pounds off, I consulted with a friend who is a personal trainer and he suggested that I take small steps to achieve my goal.
As I exercise constantly and am one of the few who love doing it, he said I could just ratchet it up a little. So I'm adding jogging, every other day to my routine. He said I need to start very slowly, only 15 min every other day and work up in five minute increments weekly.
15 minutes didn't seem so bad until I realized that the last 5 minutes of route in my neighborhood was a hill. First day I didn't make it but I did on the second day. What seemed silly to me was how proud I was of myself for making it up that hill. The next time I jogged I even made it for 20 minutes without stopping.
I lost a little weight and lost some inches and that's all in a week! I was amazed this little goal had such an effect.. not only on my body ... but on my mind.