Friday, September 07, 2012

Common Household Chemical Linked to Heart Disease

While I try to stay very positive in this blog, I feel that it is sometimes necessary to present information that can adversely impact health.

And in this case it's a chemical that all of us have in our homes. 

Turns out that not only is this chemical in our nonstick cookware, food packaging, carpets and paints.. it's in us as well. 

PFOA ( perfluorooctanoic acid) is present in up to 98% of Americans, according to an article on CNN.

A new study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine,  reveals that those with the highest levels of PFOA in their blood had double the odds of having a history of heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. 

While the researches want to look into the connection further, Dr. Debabrata Mukherjee, chief of cardiovascular medicine at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in El Paso, recommends minimizing exposure. She suggests that if drinking water is contaminated by nearby factories people should use bottled or filtered water. 

And avoiding nonstick cookware and other products that contain the chemical would be wise. 
